Recording the Newsletters issued by Casino Community Garden, located on the corner of Adam and Hartley Streets
(adjacent to entrance to Queen Elizabeth Park), South Casino, NSW, Australia.

The garden is a project of Casino Neighbourhood Centre, overseen by the Community Development Project Coordinator. As the flier concerning community gardens says, it is a place of beauty, joy, peace and kindliness, and friendliness too.

All links active at time of publication. Please report any broken link you come across to Jan. Thank you.

2 July 2014


Casino Community Garden

Monthly Newsletter #16 Issued July  2014

Around Casino Community Garden this Month

Gardening:  Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8.30am

BYO Lunch: Every Wednesday 12 noon.

Monthly Meeting:  First Wednesday of Month.
Lunch 12 noon, MEETING  12.30 for about an hour. 

Jo Nemeth and students from Casino Christian School at the garden
Pic Ric Lawrence

Welcome to Winter Garden Clinic

Jan Jan Brine was compere for the afternoon and welcomed a good attendance on a  showery afternoon. 

CHEESEMAKING with Louise Woolbank

Louise pointed out we can make fresh curd cheeses such as Quark and Ricotta, easily from any milk, even powdered milk.  Use the best milk available.  Louise prefers goat milk. Sheep milk is the most popular and has most solids for best return.  Use the solids and express the water.
 Louise showed us the moulds for the various cheeses including Feta and Camembert etc.  You can start with bought cultures, then go on to make your own. 

Easiest is Ricotta. Just  bring milk to boil and add vinegar or lemon juice.
Hard cheeses are cooked at higher temperature and pressurised with a plate and weight.

Louise brought along several delicious cheeses for us to taste which was appreciated.


Terry’s started her talk by asking “Has your worm farm failed?”
Terry set up a broccoli box found at the local skip that could be placed under a fruit tree to also nourish the tree.  Terry advised to see what we can find before buying commercial products.

Remember that the earthworms are not compost heap worms, they live and work below the surface.

Composting worms are a smaller variety.  It is best to start off with coconut fibre, and Mark brought in a loofah to use also.  Moist straw is also the perfect starting material.  Worms eat their own weight every day, don’t give them too much food as it will go mouldy. 

Terry demonstrated what worms love to eat and what they hate.

Terry recommended a children's book "Worms the Mechanics of Organics" by Kellie Bollard.

 Thank you - Access Path
Jo Nemeth Officially Opened the new access path and read out the names of the businesses that contributed.

 Laminated Thank You certificate (donated) presented to:

Angelo Gava Spraypainting
Bally’s Bargains Discount Store
Blissful Beauty Casino
Casino Barber
Casino DIY Hardware
Casino Engineering
Casino Garden and Landscape Centre
Casino Glass and Aluminium
Casino Real Estate
Casino Smash Repairs
Casino Travel Shoppe
Clydesdale Motel and Steak Barn
Cottage Collection Gift Shop
Dolphin Office Choice
Fitzmac Clothing Co
Golden Chicken - Linda Foster & Maree Fletcher
J H Williams & Sons
Jen Ireland Communications
Kibbles of Casino
Lamas & Brown Optometrists
L J Hooker
Lynns Electrical
Mark Palfrey Plumbing
NORTEC Employment and Training
North Coast Trimming & Supplies
Pinkertons Hourglass Jewellers
Richmond Valley Meats
Signarama - donation of sign with Logos
And thanks to the teams from Jobfind and Novaskill

Those present enjoyed afternoon tea with pizzas prepared by Linda and Mark and goodies
by members.  Rosella Jam and Chutneys were available for purchase, along with a plant and produce swap table.

News from Meeting Wednesday 2nd July
  • Thank you to Owen Crawford and Mark Douglas for the construction of the stainless steel bench and storage area in the undercover area.
  • The Electrician is on holidays, and power installation will take place on his return.
  • Linda reported that the Casino High School Student program is going really well and is now an ongoing program with nine students and more will participate next term.  New garden beds are in place for these student to experiment with thanks to donations from Linda Brooks and Metroll.
  • Jubullum Bus Launch will be celebrated a the Garden on 24th July (12 noon to 1.00pm).
  • Ideas and input are invited for our wheelchair accessible garden beds for the sides of the new concrete pathway.
  • International Tree Planting Day on 27th July will be celebrated at the garden.
  • Due to various queries, weekend opening times will be organised at the Planning Day to be held in August (date to be advised).
  • COMING SOON: Watch for date for "Welcome to Spring".

Pic of  new garden beds before being placed in position.

Vegetable Planting Guide by Gardening Australia for July
Beetroot,  Cabbage, Carrots, Celeriac, Celery, Chicory, Endive,

Florence Fennel, Garlic, Huauzontle, Jerusalem Artichoke,  ale Collards, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Malabar Greens, Mangle-Wurzel, Mitzuna, Mustard Greens, Onion, Parsnip, Peas / Snow Peas, Radish, Rocket, Shallots, Silverbeet, Spinach, Spring Onions.

 Recipe Corner

Kale Chips suggested by Doreen Matthews

Plenty of beautiful kale in our garden, and time to try kale chips, if we haven't already.

Prep time: 5 minutes, Bake: 10 minutes

1 bunch kale, 
1 tablespoon olive oil, 
1/4 teaspoon good salt 


1. Preheat oven to 150C
2. Wash kale leaves and dry well
3. Trim out ribs and discard
4. Cut remaining kale into 2 inch pieces
5. Place in large bowl and coat with olive oil
6. Line baking tray with baking paper
7. Lay kale in single layer and sprinkle with salt. May need to do more than one batch.
8. Bake for 8 to 12 minutes, do not overcook.
9. let cool for a few minutes before serving.

 Fresh Produce
Produce that is in season locally is cheaper, tastes better and has more nutrients.  Fresh fruits and vegetables start to lose nutrients immediately after they are harvested, so the best produce is that which is the freshest.  Produce that has been transported over long distances overseas or cross-country can not compete with locally grown produce for freshness, taste and nutritional value.  

from Internet


Suggestions and photos welcome, by email  to Jo (see below) or
or bring  to lunch Wednesdays or the meetings.
Ask Jo about  being a member of the Garden— $5/ annum

Scroll down for back issues of the newsletter
  Words Jan Brine and photos by Barry Brine unless otherwise stated.


Casino Community Garden
A Project of the Casino Neighbourhood Centre
Contact: Jo Nemeth on 6662 5435 Email:
Location: Head for Entrance to Queen Elizabeth Park at South Casino—
Garden on Left—corner Adam & Hartley Streets