Recording the Newsletters issued by Casino Community Garden, located on the corner of Adam and Hartley Streets
(adjacent to entrance to Queen Elizabeth Park), South Casino, NSW, Australia.

The garden is a project of Casino Neighbourhood Centre, overseen by the Community Development Project Coordinator. As the flier concerning community gardens says, it is a place of beauty, joy, peace and kindliness, and friendliness too.

All links active at time of publication. Please report any broken link you come across to Jan. Thank you.

2 September 2014


Casino Community Garden

Monthly Newsletter #18 Issued September  2014

Around Casino Community Garden this Month

Gardening:  Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8.30am

BYO Lunch: Every Wednesday 12 noon.

Monthly Meeting:  First Wednesday of Month.
Lunch 12 noon, MEETING  12.30 for about an hour. 

A big THANK - YOU to Aly Gray for the wonderful poster

News since last meeting
Welcome to Spring Garden Clinic
Our next big day at the garden will be on Saturday  27th September. The regulars will have everything set up by 1.00pm.  As our visitors always like a look around to start with, Mark will show people around and point out what we have growing and answer any questions before the program gets underway.
1. Tour of the Garden with Mark
2. Roses in your Garden—Samantha Burston
3. Edible Weeds and More—Linda Brooks
 4. Afternoon tea and catchup with friends.

Check out the plant swap and a few jams and relishes for sale.

Pop a gold coin in the bucket to help cover the cost of tea/coffee and pizza etc.
                                                      Edible weed - Purslane

Around the Garden
{  The vegetable seeds have arrived to start the Spring /Summer planting.
{   Preparation is under way for  the judging of the Casino Garden Club competition.
{   Work is in progress on the raised beds along the side of the all weather path for people with mobility issues to access.
{   We are pleased to be donating some of our Rosemary plants to Council.
{   Wonderful rain during the week, combined with the layer of manure from the horses, making the Winter veggies very healthy.                                                              

If the trivia about rosemary interests you… more here
           or google for many results.

 Pics this page from internet

Planning Day 20th August
The Planning day was held at the  Casino Library on Wednesday 20th August, facilitated by Nicole Mercer and attended by most of the regulars at the Garden. 

We were asked to identify various aspects of the garden, such as best things about the garden, needs for the garden, how to engage more active members, maintain and allocate leaders, sustainability, funding and promotion.  As already identified and being worked on, the most important need is for a toilet on site.  A local survey will be available for public input later in the year.

World Kitchen Garden Day on 24th August

We celebrated with a Soup and Sweets lunch, attended by 15 people, no program, just lots of chat among friends.  It was a beautiful sunny day, though slightly breezy,  after the rain during the week. 

Pic—Linda  explaining the benefits of Borage.

What is Sustainability?

What impact does our home have on our environment?  What difference does it make if our showerhead is energy-efficient or not?  Collectively, across 2.8 million households in New South Wales, it makes an enormous difference.

If each of us aims to run a sustainable household, which effectively means   thinking about the type and amount of resources we use, about how we recycle and dispose of materials, and the steps we take to manage and conserve the natural environment we all depend on, we are not only conserving energy, we are saving money too.Little things like changing to a water-efficient showerhead can save hundreds of litres of water a year, and stop your dollars going down the drain.

If we build houses that are well insulated and designed, then it will cost less to heat and cool them. If we consider our purchases carefully, a lot less waste will end up as landfill and pollution.

Every year, each Australian generates, on average, more than 2000kg of rubbish; in NSW alone, we throw away $2.5 billion worth of edible food a year.

Water usage remains a key environmental concern and there are many ways to use it sparingly, without
compromising on comfort. Whether it’s fixing a leaking tap or installing a household greywater system, every little bit helps.

Lots of little actions by lots of people can help to turn things around.  The Office of Environment and Heritage NSW has compiled some simple steps and actions we can take. 

Save energy
Look for tips to improve your  home’s energy efficiency rating with better heating, cooling hot water, insulation and lighting.

Be water-wise

Save water in the home and garden. There are so many ways to reduce water usage, such as using a broom rather than a hose to clean paths and decks, turning off the tap while cleaning your teeth and collecting water from your shower to water your garden.

Smarter choices

Choose more water/ energy efficient appliances and compare the running costs of different models.   Before you purchase a TV, fridge, freezer, washing machine, dryer, air conditioner or computer monitor,  check out its energy ratings labels (remember – the more stars, the better).

Recycling and waste

Avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle waste by living sustainably.  The simple things we can do at home and work to conserve and protect our habitat will improve our quality of life.

                                                 Pics added from internet.

 Vegetable Planting Guide by Gardening Australia For September
 Amaranth, Artichoke Globe, Asparagus, Asparagus Pea, Basil, Beans, Beetroot,  Burdock, Cabbage - loose headed, Capsicum, Carrots, Celeriac, Celery, Chicory, Chilli, Chives, Choko, Cocoyam, Coriander, Cucumber,  Eggplant, Florence Fennel, Huauzontle, Jerusalem Artichoke, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Long Yam, Luffa, Malabar Greens, Mangle-Wurzel,  Mustard Greens, Okra, Oregano, Parsnip, Potato,     Pumpkin, Quinoa, Radish, Rocket, Rosella, Rockmelon, Salsify, Shallots,  Silverbeet, Spring Onions, Squash, Sunflower, Sweet Corn, Tomato, Turnip/Swede, Warrigal Greens, Watermelon.

Jumping for Joy
The Jubullum Aboriginal Community finally has a beautiful artwork adorning its bus which was unveiled at the Casino Community Garden.

The  reliable old Toyota Coaster is a lifeline to the outside world for the Jubullum Aboriginal Community, so it deserved a very traditional facelift.

 The colourful mural that now adorns the bus represents the things that are most unique to Jubullum's identity.

Recipe Corner
Fried Cabbage with Bacon, Onion and Garlic
An idea for a quick meal or side dish.

By Jean Lawrence

100 grams bacon cut into small pieces
 1/2 sugarloaf cabbage shredded
1 medium onion finely chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 crushed clove garlic
Salt and pepper

1. Take a large frying pan and fry the onion and bacon together in olive oil  for about five minutes.
2. Add the crushed garlic and cook for a further 2 to 3 mins. 
3. Stir in the shredded cabbage and keep stirring until cooked evenly. 
4. Season with salt and pepper.  The cabbage will cook in about 10 mins.

  Health tip:

Recipe corner pics internet.

A reminder to readers in our area about the Facebook group for our Richmond Valley Volunteers.  For Admins to post about our events, and for all of us to know what is going on and support each other.
Please click here to go to the Group to ask to join  Richmond Valley Volunteers .


Suggestions and photos welcome, by email  to Jo (see below) or
or bring  to lunch Wednesdays or the meetings.
Ask Jo about  being a member of the Garden— $5/ annum

Scroll down for back issues of the newsletter
  Words  and photos by Jan Brine unless otherwise stated.


Casino Community Garden
A Project of the Casino Neighbourhood Centre
Contact: Jo Nemeth on 6662 5435 Email:
Location: Head for Entrance to Queen Elizabeth Park at South Casino—
Garden on Left—corner Adam & Hartley Streets